Members of our team Tomáš Vincze and Michal Hanic, obtained the PhD. degree at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, with a dissertation theses “Development of metal oxide-based Electronic Element Technologies for Sensing Applications” (T.V.) and “Design and preparation of a Measurement Workstation for the characterization of Organic Transistors at Different Temperatures” (M.H.). Congratulations and we are looking forward to further cooperation!
Recently, we had an opportunity to present work of our team to the public in scientific show Spektrum 24 with Ján Mečiar at JOJ 24 television. They honored us with a visit in the Clean Rooms laboratory, the interview was conducted with the head prof. Ing. Martin Weis, DrSc. We are thankful and appreciating your cooperation.
Link to the interview: https://joj24.noviny.sk/spravy-joj-24/794602-spektrum-24-o-organickej-elektronike-ktorej-sa-venuju-aj-na-slovensku
A member of our team Ondrej Kokavec, won the Dean’s Award for his contribution “Progressive bending sensors prepared by InkJet printing technology” at the student scientific conference ŠVOČ 2023 at our university.
A member of our team Ondrej Kokavec, obtained the BSc. degree at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, with a bachelor thesis „Dissemination Application of Multi-colour Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED)“, for which he also received the Dean’s Award. Congratulations!
A member of our team Michal Sobota, placed 1st in the PhD. student competition for the best scientific contribution, at the 10th year of international scientific conference ADEPT, with his work “Organic Charge-Mmodulated Field-Effect Transistor for Biosensing Applications”.
A member of our team Adam Vardžák, obtained the MSc. degree at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, with a diploma thesis „Design and Preparation of Flexible Sensor Elements using Inkjet Printing Technology“, for which he also received the Dean’s Award. Congratulations!
A member of our team Ondrej Kokavec, won the Dean’s Award for his contribution “Preparation Technologies of OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diodes) with Emission Dopant” at the student scientific conference ŠVOČ 2022 at our university.
A member of our team Michal Sobota, placed 3rd in the PhD. student competition for the best scientific contribution, at the international scientific conference ADEPT 2021, with his work “Electrical Characterization of New High Mobility n-type Semiconductors based on Quatertiophene”.
Members of our team Vratislav Režo and Michal Sobota, obtained the MSc. degree at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, with a diploma theses “Development of Experimental Setup for Automatized Testing of Gas Sensors” (V.R.) and “Preparation and characterisation of NiO/Ga2O3 Heterostructures for UV Photodiodes” (M.S.). Congratulations!
A member of our team Tomáš Vincze, won the IEEE Czechoslovak Section Award for his contribution “Impact of Different Solutions on Electrical Parameters of CuO Transistors” at the scientific conference ELITECH ’21 at our university.
A member of our team Vratislav Režo, won the Dean’s Award for his contribution “Design of a Workplace for Automated Measurement of Gas Sensors” at the student scientific conference ŠVOČ 2021 at our university.
A member of our team Vratislav Režo, won the IEEE Czechoslovak Section Award for his contribution “Design and production of a Sensor System for Air Quality Evaluation and Teaching Improvement” at the student scientific conference ŠVOČ 2021 at our university.
A member of our team Michal Sobota, won the Diploma of the Dean of FEI STU for his contribution “Characterization of New Organic Semiconductors with n-type Conductivity” at the student scientific conference ŠVOČ 2021 at our university.
A member of our team Juraj Nevřela, obtained the PhD. degree at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, with a dissertation thesis “Exploitation of Nanotechnologies for Optoelectronic Devices Fabrication with Dimensions under Difraction Limit”. Congratulations!
Martin Weis has been promoted to the Professor at Slovak University of Technology. Congratulations!
Our lab member Adam Vardzak received his bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Photonics from the Slovak University of technology in Bratislava. His topic “Flexible sensors based on organic materials”. Congratulations!
Approved utility model: The design and fabrication process of light out-coupling structure made of conductive polymers for the active area of light-emitting diodes.
Our lab member Tomas Vincze received his MSc in Electronics and Photonics from the Slovak University of technology in Bratislava. Congratulations!
Our lab member Vratislav Rezo received the Dean’s Award for his contribution (LED Solar Simulator for Organic devices) on Student Scientific Competition conference at our university. Congratulations!

Our lab member Tomas Vincze received the Award of the Czechoslovak Section of the IEEE for his contribution (Method of preparation thin-film transistors based on copper oxide) on Student Scientific Competition conference at our university. Congratulations!

Approved utility model: Active fully-organic optical waveguide based on conductive components for use in electro-optical devices.
Our lab member Miroslav Novota received the “STU Rector’s Prize” for excellent performance of study obligations throughout the studies of Doctoral Study Programme Electronics and Photonics. Congratulations!
Martin Weis was awarded a Prize for scientific impact by the Slovak Physical Society. Congratulations!
Our lab member Miroslav Novota received his PhD in Electronics and Photonics from the Slovak University of technology in Bratislava. His PhD Thesis was focused on the development of technologies for organic semiconductor-based integrated circuits. Congratulations!
Approved utility models:
- Vapor valve of parylene monomer.
- Vapor diffusor of parylene monomer
Our lab member Michal Micjan received the “STU Rector’s Prize” for excellent performance of study obligations throughout the studies of Doctoral Study Programme Electronics and Photonics. Congratulations!

Our lab member Martin Weis received the award “Top Peer Reviewer 2019”, Powered by Publons. For placing in the top 1% reviewers in Cross-Field on Publons global reviewer database, determined by the number of peer review reports performed during the 2018-2019 award year. Congratulations!

Our lab member Michal Micjan received his PhD in Electronics and Photonics from the Slovak University of technology in Bratislava. His PhD Thesis was Development of technology for fast devices of organic electronics. Congratulations!
Our lab member Michal Micjan received research grant with the topic „Involvement of organic electronics in the learning process“ (Tatra banka Foundation). Congratulations!
Our lab member Miroslav Novota (Principal investigator) and Michal Micjan received internal research grant of STU (Grant scheme to support excellent teams of young researchers). Name of the project „Heart-Disease Diagnostic in Real Time with Neural Networks“ . Congratulations!
Martin Weis was awarded a Higher Doctorate degree by the Slovak Academy of Sciences for is work on fabrication technology and characterization of organic electronics devices. Congratulations!
Our lab member Michal Micjan received Award for the best poster presentation in PhD. section of the international scientific conference Advances in Electronic and Photonic Technologies – ADEPT 2018. Congratulations!
Our lab member Michal Micjan received research grant AXA Innovator 2018. Name of project „Development of organic electronics technology“. Congratulations!
Our lab member Michal Micjan (Principal investigator), Miroslav Novota and Juraj Nevrela received internal research grant of STU (Grant scheme to support excellent teams of young researchers). Name of the project „Flexible electronic devices: Design and fabrication by inkjet printing“. Congratulations!
Our young lab member Michal Micjan received the Dean’s diploma for his contribution (Preparation of a ferroelectric diode as a memory element) on Student Scientific Competition conference at our university. Congratulations!
Martin Weis has been promoted to the Associate Professor at Slovak University of Technology. Congratulations!
Our young lab member Juraj Nevrela received the Dean’s diploma for his contribution (Application of polymer anode for organic electroluminescent diodes.) on Student Scientific Competition conference at our university. Congratulations!